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  • Two of a kind – secret of moth & butterfly

    Two of a kind – secret of moth & butterfly0

    Everyone knows that the prettiest insects are bright colorful butterflies, and that their cousins the moths are dull and boring, right? Wrong! There are some butterflies with plain brown wings, and some moths whose wings sparkle with every color of the rainbow. So how do you tell the difference? Fun Fact 1: Moths and butterflies

  • Walking on Tiptoes

    Walking on Tiptoes0

    Have you ever watched a ballerina en pointe as she moves across the stage on the tips of her toes? What animal do you think she looks like? Most people compare ballerinas to graceful swans, but the animal she’s most like when she’s dancing on her toes is actually a horse! If you look at

  • What animal builds itself an apartment building?

    What animal builds itself an apartment building?0

    If you’ve ever seen pictures of a coral reef, you might have seen something that looks like a colourful underwater forest. Some corals are tall and branching, some are small and round, but each coral isn’t just one living thing – it’s a home to thousands of them! Corals are related to anemones and jellyfish,

  • What animal can look in two directions at once?

    What animal can look in two directions at once?0

    Imagine being able to look at something straight in front of you, and look over your shoulder at the same time. It may seem impossible, but the chameleon does it every day! Chameleons have amazing eyes. Each one is like a scaly cone, with a small hole to see through. It can swivel these eyes

  • What animal carries a secret weapon?

    What animal carries a secret weapon?0

    In Marvel Comics’ X-Men, the character called Wolverine has sharp claws hidden beneath his skin. When threatened, the claws slice through the skin on his hands and can be used as weapons, and the skin heals when he retracts them again. This seems like pure fantasy, but there is actually a species of newt that

  • What animal doesn’t feel pain?

    What animal doesn’t feel pain?0

    Naked mole rats are a truly bizarre animal that seem to break all the rules of what it means to be a mammal. They live in social groups like bees, ants, or termites. They have skin so loose they can turn almost halfway around in it. They are nearly blind and spend their entire lives

  • What animal frequently changes its clothes?

    What animal frequently changes its clothes?0

    Most crabs have a tough outer shell that’s hard to crack, but hermit crabs are a bit different. Their front legs are well armoured, but their bodies are actually soft and unprotected! To protect themselves, hermit crabs actually borrow empty shells from other animals like snails! Unfortunately, the borrowed shell doesn’t grow as the hermit

  • What animal has to throw up its stomach before it eats?

    What animal has to throw up its stomach before it eats?0

    Starfish are some of the most beautiful creatures in the sea. But did you know that they’re actually deadly predators? Starfish, or sea stars, are really interesting animals. Their “skeleton” is made of water! The sea star has a series of branching tubes running down each arm of its body. Each one of these tubes

  • What animal sweats acidic blood?

    What animal sweats acidic blood?0

    The most ferocious animal in Africa isn’t the proud lion or the crafty hyena. It’s actually the hippopotamus! Hippos are mostly plant-eaters, but they are also fiercely aggressive, and their mouths contain a terrifying set of teeth that they use with deadly force. No one is really sure how strong male hippos’ bites are, because