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  • Dream of the Dolphin

    Dream of the Dolphin0

    When you snuggle up in bed for the night, you turn out the light, close your eyes, and let yourself drift off to sleep. You don’t have to think about breathing because your body does it automatically. But how different would sleeping be if you did it in a swimming pool? Most people would very

  • What colour is the sky?

    What colour is the sky?0

    If somebody asked you to tell them what colour the sky is, you’d probably say blue. Most people do. But is the sky really blue? If the sky was blue, it should stay blue all the time, but the sky turns different colours at sunrise and sunset. So what colour is the sky? It’s actually

  • Twisty Tongues

    Twisty Tongues0

    Can you stick your tongue out and roll it into a tube? If you can, than you’re one of 85% of people who can do it! A lot of people think that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body, but that’s not quite true; your tongue is actually made up of sixteen muscles


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