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  • What animal frequently changes its clothes?

    What animal frequently changes its clothes?0

    Most crabs have a tough outer shell that’s hard to crack, but hermit crabs are a bit different. Their front legs are well armoured, but their bodies are actually soft and unprotected! To protect themselves, hermit crabs actually borrow empty shells from other animals like snails! Unfortunately, the borrowed shell doesn’t grow as the hermit

  • Giant Giraffes

    Giant Giraffes0

    Giraffes are the tallest land animal living today. A full grown male giraffe can measure up to 19 feet tall. If you’ve ever looked up at one, you’ve probably stared at its long neck and wondered how many bones it takes to make a neck that long. But the truth is that giraffes have the

  • What colour is a polar bear?

    What colour is a polar bear?0

    If asked what colour a polar bear is, most people would say “white”, but there’s actually no white on a polar bear at all! If you look beneath their thick fur, a polar bear’s skin is black. This is useful because dark colours absorb heat very well, so the polar bear’s black skin can absorb


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