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  • Body odour: A smelly way to say “I love you”

    Body odour: A smelly way to say “I love you”0

    We all sweat – it’s part of what makes us mammals. It’s also really important; sweating helps us keep our bodies at the same temperature and gives toxins and other nasty things a way out of our bodies. So why does everyone think that sweating is a bad thing? If you’re like most people, your

  • Why do camels have long eyelashes?

    Why do camels have long eyelashes?0

    It’s hard to find an animal better suited to its environment than a camel: almost every feature on a camel’s body is designed to help it survive in the harsh conditions of the desert. There are two kinds of camel: the one-humped dromedary, and the two-humped Bactrian camel. Contrary to what most people believe, the

  • The Science of Sneezes

    The Science of Sneezes0

    You know it’s coming. You feel that tickle way in the back of your head. Your nose scrunches up, your eyes squeeze closed, you draw in a deep breath, and then it explodes: AH-CHOO! Sneezing is your body’s way of getting rid of an irritation in your nose, and it’s suprisingly complicated. Sneezing involves muscles

  • Shout it Out!

    Shout it Out!0

    What do you think is the loudest animal on the planet? Is it a lion roaring? An elephant trumpeting a charge? On land, the loudest animal is the howler monkey. Found in the rainforests of Central and South America, these monkeys howl to let others know that their territory is occupied. These calls can be

  • The World According To Dogs

    The World According To Dogs0

    When humans want to figure out what’s going on around them, their first instinct is to look around and see. Sight is the sense most humans rely on to understand the world. But dogs use a different sense – they follow their noses! Dogs have an incredibly powerful sense of smell. Depending on the breed

  • Huge Hunters

    Huge Hunters0

    There are animals in habitats across the planet. They can be found on land, in the sea, and in the air. But wherever you find animals, you can be sure to find predators, and some of them can be massive. But which are the biggest? Some of the answers may surprise you. To find the


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