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  • Which bird is missing its wings?

    Which bird is missing its wings?0

    Because kiwis don’t fly, they can put a lot more energy into producing eggs If you ask someone to describe a bird, one of the first things people think of is “birds have wings”. But that’s not true: just look at the kiwis! Kiwis are native to New Zealand, and are the smallest of the

  • Do unicorns really exist?

    Do unicorns really exist?0

    It’s fairly certain that the mythical unicorns is just a legend, but there are a few animals on the planet that have actually been mistaken for one! The narwhal is an arctic whale with an amazing tooth – it grows out through the whale’s upper lip and sticks out in front like a 3 metre

  • Did you know that some plants eat meat?

    Did you know that some plants eat meat?0

    Most of the time, animals are the ones that eat plants. But in some rare cases, the plants are the ones doing the eating. Probably the most famous of the meat-eating plants is the Venus flytrap. It works a little bit like a mousetrap: at rest, the flytrap rests in an open position, with tiny

  • What animal sweats acidic blood?

    What animal sweats acidic blood?0

    The most ferocious animal in Africa isn’t the proud lion or the crafty hyena. It’s actually the hippopotamus! Hippos are mostly plant-eaters, but they are also fiercely aggressive, and their mouths contain a terrifying set of teeth that they use with deadly force. No one is really sure how strong male hippos’ bites are, because

  • Have you ever eaten a magic fruit?

    Have you ever eaten a magic fruit?0

    If you were reading a fantasy story set in a magic land, you probably wouldn’t be surprised to read about a fruit that can make sour things taste sweet. But the surprising thing is that such a fruit actually does exist! It’s called the miracle fruit. The miracle fruit grows in West Africa, looks a

  • Which animal lives in a deadly house?

    Which animal lives in a deadly house?0

    One of the loveliest and most deadly groups of animals in a coral reef is that of the colourful anemonen. Anemones may look like bright flowers on the ocean floor (they actually get their name from their resemblance to a flower called an anemone), but they are actualy animals closely related to jellyfish. Each of


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