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  • How do snakes get around with no feet?

    How do snakes get around with no feet?0

    If you’ve ever watched a snake slithering through the undergrowth, you might wonder how they manage to get around so well without feet. It’s all thanks to the snake scales! If you look at a snake’s skeleton, you can see that a snake’s body is mostly ribs (except for the head and tail). Each rib

  • Huge Hunters

    Huge Hunters0

    There are animals in habitats across the planet. They can be found on land, in the sea, and in the air. But wherever you find animals, you can be sure to find predators, and some of them can be massive. But which are the biggest? Some of the answers may surprise you. To find the

  • Is it true that some mammals have venom?

    Is it true that some mammals have venom?0

    When you mention venemous animals, most people think of snakes or scorpions. But there are also venomous animals that are mammals just like us! Shrews are surprisingly ferocious for their size; most are very small and the pygmy shrew rivals the bumblebee bat for the title of world’s smallest mammal. They look like long-nosed mice,

  • Masters of Disguise

    Masters of Disguise0

    Hey kids, have you ever played hide-and-seek? Imagine if you could stand in plain sight, but nobody could ever find you! That’s the way some animals live every day. When an animal has colours and markings to help it blend in with something or look like something else, it’s called camouflage. Camouflaged animals are masters

  • More that meets the eye

    More that meets the eye0

    Here’s a neat trick to try: hold up the index fingers of both hands, and tip your hands so that your index fingers are pointing at each other with a small space between them. Make sure your fingers are at the same level as your eyes. Now focus your eyes on the wall across from

  • Powerful as a Pistol

    Powerful as a Pistol0

    In the warm, shallow waters of tropical seas lives a tiny crustacean with a remarkably powerful weapon. The pistol shrimp is a very pretty shrimp. It’s striped like a tiger and about 2 cm long, but it has one enlarged claw that packs a serious punch. When the shrimp is stalking its prey, it snaps

  • Scaly Surprises: The Secrets of Snakes

    Scaly Surprises: The Secrets of Snakes0

    Hey kids, close your eyes for a moment and imagine that your arms are stuck to your sides and your legs are stuck together. Imagine that you have no ears, and that you smell with your tongue. And imagine that your entire body is covered with fingernails. Seems strange, doesn’t it? Now you know what

  • Shout it Out!

    Shout it Out!0

    What do you think is the loudest animal on the planet? Is it a lion roaring? An elephant trumpeting a charge? On land, the loudest animal is the howler monkey. Found in the rainforests of Central and South America, these monkeys howl to let others know that their territory is occupied. These calls can be

  • Spectacular Spinners

    Spectacular Spinners0

    Hey kids, can you think of something an animal makse that can stretch 1½ times its original size, is incredibly lightweight, and is stronger that steel? The answer is spider silk! Spiders are amazing animals. Although there is one vegetarian species of spider we know of, most spiders are deadly predators. They stalk prey on