For many years, people have wondered what causes people to be left-handed. Several bizarre theories have come and gone over the centuries, from the medieval notion that left-handed people were posessed by demons to more modern day theories that a left-handed person is one-half of a set of twins, and the second twin was reabsorbed
For many years, people have wondered what causes people to be left-handed. Several bizarre theories have come and gone over the centuries, from the medieval notion that left-handed people were posessed by demons to more modern day theories that a left-handed person is one-half of a set of twins, and the second twin was reabsorbed before birth. But one of the greatest steps toward the answer has been found in an unlikely place: cats.
Cats are cunning animals and will fish treats out of small places, like tuna from the bottom of a can. But some scientists noticed that some cats would use their left paws to do the fishing, and others would use their right. When they investigated further, they noticed something interesting: male cats usually use their left paws, and female cats usually use their right!
Scientists have known for some time that more left-handed people are male than female, but this difference is even bigger in cats. With a few exceptions, most male cats are left-pawed and female cats are right-pawed. While scientists are not sure exactly why it would be more useful for males to be left-handed, it’s becoming clear that there’s definitely a link!
Do you know what Barack Obama, Joan of Arc, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Charile Chaplin, Queen Victoria, Paul McCartney, and Leonardo da Vinci, had in common? They’re all left-handed!
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